Saturday, November 2, 2019

A Marriage of Technology.- Metz 45 Flash and Qantum Battery 2

Fill flash using Metz 45.

Bounce flash using metz 45.

When I was photographing weddings in the pre-digital, film days I tried various equipment until I settled on a great combination.

It was for me any way.

The Metz range of hammer head flash guns and the Qantum  Battery 2.

The Metz flashes are powerful and excellent for wedding and portrait work.

I have owned 3 of them and I still have a working 45cl4 and the 45 ct3.

The quantum battery pack when fully charged I could do two weddings in a row if required.

I only ever did that once or twice.

I could take numerous full bounce flash and fill flsh all day knowing my flash would keep firing.

I did own two of these for a while but sold one.

I still have one and recently went to use it and found through unuse the battery cells had given up.

My local "battery world" people said thay could fix it and now it is working better than ever.

This combination can be used successfully with digital cameras.